Vicenza Welding School - Welding Course with License

Vicenza Welding School - Welding Course with License

Vicenza Welding Course
with Welding License

Welding Course Vicenza: ItaForma Welding School conducts Welding courses in several Cities in Italy, but has one of its main locations in Vicenza. ItaForma is the oldest Welding School in Italy, voted for several years as one of the best Welder Training Centers in Europe.

We conduct Welder's Course in Vicenza with issuance of International Patent valid worldwide. We collaborate with over 1500 Metalmechanical Companies in Italy and Europe who hire our licensed welders. Several metalmechanical companies in Europe ask us for the contacts of our licensed welders or entrust us with their employees to train them for their production.

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School of Welding VICENZA

Our Welding School in Vicenza, is not just a School, it is a real production metal workshop that builds carpentry, piping and equipment, in fact the Welding Course in Vicenza is held right in the production.

Our Welding Course in Vicenza is specially designed and created to train radiographically trained, job-ready professional welders capable of performing welds of the highest quality. 

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Course for Welders VICENZA ITAFORMA

We conduct the Welding Courses in our machine shops, in large production sheds, have a hundred different kinds of welding machines, as well as state-of-the-art machinery and equipment that support the Welding Course

We have a staff of the highest quality and experience, made up of certified Instructors and Inspectors who follow you through the Welding Course in Vicenza.

We have trained
more than 1,000 welders
who are now working all over the world

Enrollment open year-round at Welding School Vicenza

The Vicenza welder course is recommended for unemployed, beginners or those already working to become a professional welder. The Cost of a Welding course depends on many factors. Call our school for more information.
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Welding License VICENZA

We conduct very practical and intense Welding Courses in Vicenza where you weld 8 hours a day with different welding techniques, on different materials and in multiple welding positions. You start from 0, no welding skills are necessary, but at the end of the course you will be able to do very high quality welding, you will get the Welding License valid and recognized all over the world, and most of all you will be ready to go into production in a metal-mechanical company.

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+39 351 53 14 501


All of our Metalworking Courses

Choose the course that best suits your business needs

Electrode Welder Course

Complete MMA SMAW 80h practice + 20h theory | 15 days

Basic Electrode Welder Course

MMA SMAW course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week

Continuous Wire Welding Course

Full Mig Mag 100h practice + 25h theory | 20 days

Basic continuous wire welder course

Mig Mag course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week

TIG Welder Course

Full GTAW 80h practice + 20h theory | 15 days

Basic TIG Welder Course

GTAW course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week

Electrode + Tig Welder Course

140h practice + 30h theory | 30 days

Electrode + Continuous Wire Welder Course

180h practice + 40h theory | 35 days

Tig + Wire Welder Course

180h practice + 40h theory | 35 days

Electrode + TIG + Continuous Wire Welder Course

240h practice + 60h theory | 45 days
(the most comprehensive course)

Carpenter Fitter Course

140h practice + 30h theory | 30 days

Industrial Tubist Course

140h practice + 30h theory

Our courses are held in intensive daytime mode, throughout the year,
Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day of practice/welding.

Our courses are held in intensive daytime mode, throughout the year, Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day of practice/welding.

Vicenza Welding School - Welding Course with License

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Reviews of our trainees:

Lorenzo Mazzarino
Lorenzo MazzarinoWelder
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I took both the Tig and Electrode Welding course and the Wire Welding course, and found a very welcoming environment with very knowledgeable Instructors who followed me step by step until I obtained both licenses, which were issued following examinations by an external examiner, with visual testing and radiography of the specimen. At the end of the course I was helped in my job search and was provided with over 130 names of firms in the carpentry industry scattered throughout Italy. What can I say, better than this cannot be expected. I sincerely thank all the staff of Scuola di Saldatura Sicilia P. S. Before starting the course I had never welded before now I feel ready to work as a welder even in specialized companies.
Angelo Perticone
Angelo PerticoneWelder
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Excellent and professional!!!
A guarantee for those who want to enter the working world. Great facility, great staff.
Adry Marco
Adry Marco
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I recently finished the welding course where I achieved a preparation that I never expected to achieve in such a short time...and all this thanks to the professionalism of the staff that includes the administrative, organizational and the practical part where a great instructor is part who in addition to teaching the work itself by making you try and try again in different ways and conditions each time manages to encourage you and give you advice creating a great relationship between student and instructor. I highly recommend it.
Marco Leti
Marco Leti
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Really good welding school, really knowledgeable and very patient instructors who follow you step by step throughout the course. I got no less than 2 licenses issued by IIS and I am preparing for the third one. Quiet, family and friendly environment!
Mino Paldi
Mino Paldi
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Excellent school, in just one week I managed to get my license. It was 8 hours a day very intense and tiring,but they manage to bring you to the desired goal. I come from Calabria in the province of Cosenza. I did not have any problem for a place to sleep or eat, I got off the train I was picked up taken to one of their houses at their disposal, for the duration of the course and even more. The training they pass on to you is not just to know how to weld, but to already know how to work in our chosen field! Excellent experience,I look forward to returning for more goals.
John Bonvento
John Bonvento
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These were fundamental days spent in this institute where one grows so much in professional and personal spheres, above all it is all managed in the utmost professionalism, helpfulness and kindness
Gaetano Grillo
Gaetano GrilloCarpenter
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I took the course for the continuous wire license and I had a great time with the instructor who follows you step by step, great facility and everything.When you get out of there you are ready for the working world. I recommend it.
John Horse
John Horse
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You start with so much passion and you never want to finish 😁 you create a beautiful relationship like a family. There is to add that you are very professional in everything.... I started from scratch and now I have arrived as an all-around Argonist. Who wants to start a course as a welding I recommend it 👍
Joseph Di Lorenzo
Joseph Di Lorenzo
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Excellent school, the preparation is excellent, the staff knowledgeable, friendly and very helpful. Always updating environment and perfect for individual growth in the world of welding. Highly recommended!
Joseph Midolo
Joseph Midolo
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The school gives you all the tools you need to learn the welding trade at its best, the instructors follow you step by step with sympathy and helpfulness. Excellent school I highly recommend it.
Davide Grassia
Davide GrassiaCarpenter welder
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I thank the Itaforma school for their great helpfulness and professionalism. I thank the instructors for being excellent teachers and professionals in welding of all kinds, preparing me if only in a few days to improve and perfect my techniques and bring me to the prepared exam. Exam passed with excellent results. Fantastic experience. Thank you
Antonio Picconi
Antonio PicconiMetalworker
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Excellent school, very knowledgeable instructors who are passionate about their work, I had excellent reception and I was very happy.
Simone Piccini
Simone PicciniCompany
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Excellent School, the courses have high added value, they were very professional for the courses to our company.
Sebastian Matarese
Sebastian Matarese
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Hello everyone, I would like to share my experience of the course. Excellent training, very qualified and helpful staff, followed constantly for any clarification or difficulty. I recommend it 100%
Assan Sane
Assan SaneEditor
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I took this welding course and became a licensed welder. I recommend this school to everyone.
Antonia Tripoldi
Antonia Tripoldi
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We had the pleasure of enrolling in the Itaforma Welding School one of our beneficiaries, from Ghana, Issa Emmanuel who has, attended the course and also obtained his license. Issa got along very well with the highly qualified staff and although he did not speak our language very well, he had the opportunity to be tutored by an English-speaking assistant. We are very pleased with the outcome and the highly educational experience. ExSprar/Siproimi Meeting Center of Carlopoli (CZ)
Stephen Zaru
Stephen Zaru
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Experienced staff,I started from scratch,with very good results in just one month,with commitment and perseverance you get to the predetermined goal,I licensed tig-electrode,I recommend ITA FORMA really a good school 😀
Christian Bazzano
Christian Bazzano
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I recently got my license from scratch excellent school and above all highly qualified staff and always available to people.
Tony Piediscalzi
Tony PiediscalziCompany
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Excellent welding school in addition to enriching my knowledge and training as a welder, I met real instructors who were patient and ready to explain the different welding passes and much more. Excellent.
Aldo Wef
Aldo WefWelder
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Professional school, with IIS Qualifications trained instructors, very helpful for everything.
Joseph Aloisi
Joseph AloisiCompany
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I congratulate this Welding School, I had a chance to see their trainee welders at work in the field of ship welding. Good and well prepared
Fabrizio Polizzi
Fabrizio Polizzi
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Very good school, very good instructors who really passed on a lot to me, making me grow in everything and preparing me the best. Recommended.
Patrik Melini
Patrik MeliniWelder
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Great school, qualified staff and unbeatable prices for the quality of the course they offer you!!!
Kazi Ashikur Rahman
Kazi Ashikur Rahman
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I took this welding course and became a licensed welder. I recommend these schools👍 to everyone.
Salvo Mazzeo
Salvo Mazzeo
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Excellent school, very professional, very patient instructors even those who start from scratch manage to become good welders
Lauralena Iacieri
Lauralena IacieriCompany
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My company hired 2 welders who were trained at this School. They are doing very well.
Matthew Mascoli
Matteo MascoliCompany
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Hello I am a mechanical engineer, I know this school well. I recommend it to those who want to become a very good welder and to metal companies who are looking for professional and licensed welders.
Evolving Domus Arsenal
Evolving Domus Arsenal
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As for welding courses to our employees, we have been relying on Solar Power for years, and we can say that we have always been satisfied with their professionalism.
Andrea Dittadi
Andrea Dittadi
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I took a course a couple of years ago and I recommend their welding courses. Very professional.


+39 351 53 14 501


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