Through ITAFORMA School, it is easy to find Work

Ninety-six percent of ITAFORMA Metalworking School Trainees are usually able to find a job within a month of finishing our Professional Welders, Pipefitters and Carpenters courses.

ITAFORMA has a really high recruitment rate!

Only very few Vocational Schools of any field and Universities in Italy have this very high rate of immediate placement of their trainees.

Why do ITAFORMA trainees find jobs so easily and quickly compared to so many others?

This is due to many very important factors that should not be underestimated:

1) Trainees at the end of ITAFORMA Training turn out to be among the best Junior Metalworkers, available on the labor market, so they are highly sought after by metalworking companies.
Why do they become among the best Junior Metalworkers in Italy?
Simple. They run the longest, hardest and most intense course in metalwork that is around; this makes them much better prepared and therefore in high demand by companies looking for welders, carpenters, pipefitters, fitters, metalworkers in general.

2) The Trainees, as soon as they finish the engineering training, have at their disposal very important and unique Job Finding Services provided by the Itaforma School.

Yes that's right, ITAFORMA School has an in-house office that acts as a liaison between its trainees and industry companies, just like aSpecialized Employment Agency.

The service is totally free of charge and connects ITAFORMA Trainees looking for work with Metalworking Companies looking for workers.

3) ITAFORMA School, has created a large Metalmechanics Network, has established direct partnerships with more than 800 Italian and foreign companies that daily contact us to book and reserve our trainees.

During the training period, having known the requirements and specifics of each trainee, we put each of them in touch with different companies to set up an interview, a test, a job offer always aimed at employment.

What are the job finding services of ITAFORMA School?

There are so many of them and they are the strength and secret of the success of the School, the trainees and ITAFORMA's partner companies.

▸ We give our trainees a Metalworker Curriculum in both Italian and English,

▸ We shoot Video-Curriculum of each trainee during the practicum, to be sent to the production managers of the companies,

▸ We deliver a contact list of at least 50 Companies that are looking for welders,

▸ We put them in direct contact with company managers,

▸ We schedule interviews and job tests.

These are JUST some of the Employment Services we provide that allow us to get concrete job proposals to our trainees from all over Italy.

And it doesn't end there-there is also another percentage that concerns us and that we think is very important!

In fact, in the past year, ALL of our trainees (100%) who completed one of our courses in Electrode Welder - TIG Welder - Continuous Wire Welder - Tube Welder - Carpenter and who were self-driven and possibly available to relocate, received at least 2 job offers from our partner companies.

We take pride in our work and make sure that we are always improving, day after day, meeting the needs of Corsicans and Companies, constantly updating our training offerings with cutting-edge technology and innovative work techniques most in demand by companies.

Answering the initial question: through ITAFORMA school, is it easy to find a job? The answer is "absolutely YES !"

The research, practice test and start of work by each of our trainees is very simple, quick and immediate! Try it to believe!

Learn more about our training courses for Welders - Industrial Pipe Fitters - Carpenters - Mechanical Engineering Drawing

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