TIG Welding Course
TIG Welding Course - our welding course is very practical and technical, you become a real licensed welder capable of performing very high quality welds for metalworking companies. The course starts from 0 and in an intensive month of welding you will learn how to perform TIG welding on different materials and in a variety of positions.
The TIG Welder course takes place in a real Machine Shop, you will be followed step by step by our qualified and certified welding instructors and inspectors who will prepare you to pass the TIG Welding License according to UNI EN ISO 9606 and UNI EN 287 Certification. At the end of the welding course, we will issue you the License and make our services available to you to help you find a job in a metalworking company.
Tig Welding Training Course
Our TIG Welding Course program is very comprehensive, all hours of welding, designed down to the smallest detail to make you a high-quality welder, in fact you will start by welding sheet metal and then move on to pipe, use different materials and weld in multiple positions (standing, kneeling, lying on the floor, right and left handed, etc.), so you will be well prepared for future welding job requests you will receive from your boss at work.
How is the Tig Welding course conducted?
The course is very hands-on; during the course while you are welding, the instructor will give you the theoretical knowledge you need, explaining and letting you experience the difference between the materials to be welded, of the electrodes to be used, and he will show you welding techniques and ask you to replicate them.
We conduct TIG Welding Courses in several Italian Provinces, call our office and we will tell you when the one closest to you starts.
ITAFORMA Metal School for TIG Welding Course
Our ITAFORMA Welding School is one of the most important and recognized in Italy, in the last 30 years of welding courses we have trained several hundred welders working around the world.
We collaborate with major Italian engineering companies to train welders to be placed in production.
So many trainees come from all over Italy to take our TIG welding courses, they choose our Welding School aware that they have the best possible training, the most concrete and practical, the closest to the needs of the labor market.
TIG welding courses, last about a month and we arrange everything for you, including room and board for the duration of the course
TIG Welding Techniques
TIG Welding, is a fusion welding process, autogenous, electric arc strikes between the infusible electrode, which is under gaseous protection, and the material to be welded. The TIG electrode is made of tungsten, a material with a high melting temperature.
What are the TIG welding processes?
The processes are divided into: manual (controlled by the welder), semiautomatic (controlled by the machine while the welder moves the electrode along the weld), and automatic (all operations are carried out by the Robot).
TIG welding is a low-production but very high-quality process, used mainly for small thicknesses.
All types of metals and nonmetals can be welded by using a rod as filler material or even, thanks to the highly concentrated energy arc, only by placing the two ends to be welded side by side, without using filler material.
Find out how we work
Watch a video of the training at one of our locations in Italy.
Getting Started in Welding and Obtaining a TIG Welder's License
The main objective of our course is to make our trainees become real licensed and certified welders, in fact at the end of the course, we issue the TIG Welding License according to UNI EN ISO 9606 and UNI EN 287 Certification. The Welding License is the most important certification a welder can have, as it certifies his skills and the quality of his welding.
Is the TIG welder's license mandatory?
For many metalworking jobs, it is required by law that the welder have a Welding License, and almost all European companies, in order to hire a welder, require that he or she already have the License.
How is the TIG Welding License obtained?
Receiving the License is not an easy thing to do, in fact you have to take a welding exam in front of a welding inspector from a nationally recognized Certifying Body.
The welds made during the examination, are subjected to visual, radiographic and weld joint failure tests.
There are no recommendations, only upon successful completion of the test, the License is issued, so you have to choose a high training welding course that will make you achieve this important goal.
Reviews of our trainees:
A guarantee for those who want to enter the working world. Great facility, great staff.
Find a Job as a TIG Welder
With our TIG welding course, you become a true qualified TIG welder, which is one of the most in-demand welders in the job market, as it is widely used by engineering companies that build pipelines, piping, waterworks, oil and gas pipelines, refineries, food, pharmaceutical and energy plant construction, etc.
How to become an experienced TIG welder and Argonist welder?
Many companies ask the TIG welder who can also weld electrode, this makes him an Argonist welder, which is the prince of welders, the most in demand and best paid.
Our ITAFORMA Welding School, conducts the Argonist Course, or TIG Welding Course where you learn how to weld in various positions and techniques and earn the TIG + Electrode Welding License in 140 hours of training .
During the Tig Welding Course, you will learn how to weld with different techniques
The trainee during our TIG welding course, learns different techniques and positions of welding execution:
TIG welding in the flat position
TIG welding in vertical upward position
TIG welding in Sopratesta position
TIG welding of 45° inclined tube
TIG welding in the frontal position
TIG welding in vertical descending position.
The Tig Welder's Torch
During the TIG Welding course, you will learn how to use the welding flashlight as if it were an extension of your hand. TIG flashlights are available in a variety of sizes and formats, either because they can hold electrodes of different diameters (and withstand correspondingly different current intensities), or because special geometries or small sizes may be needed for welding in cramped quarters or particular positions. Precisely for the latter case, flashlights with an articulated head are also available.
Advantages and Disadvantages of TIG Welding
Advantages of TIG Welding
- Almost all kinds of ferrous and nonferrous materials can be welded
- High weld quality
- Can be used in all welding positions
- Does not produce slag.
Disadvantages of TIG Welding
- Reduced bath protection compared with other welding processes
- Sensitive to drafts
- High cost of protective gases
- Low productivity
- Technique difficult to learn
Typical Defects in TIG Welding
Tungsten inclusions
Oxidation of the reverse bead
Gas inclusions, due to poor cleaning of the flaps and incorrect movement of the flashlight and wand
Protective gas contamination
Tungsten and Current Used for TIG Welding
Pure tungsten electrodes
Tungsten electrodes with added thorium oxide
Tungsten electrodes with zirconium added
Tungsten electrodes with tungsten strips Thori
TIG welder
For TIG welding, the same Electrode welder is used, but the poles must be reversed.
The TIG welder consists of a generator-inverter, TIG flashlight (torch) and Argon gas cylinder. There are complete welding machines on the market that enable Tig-Electrode and Mig-Mag welding.
Essential components for TIG welding are:
Flashlight, with tungsten electrode and inert gas nozzle;
Power generator, with possible trigger system;
Pressure reducer, flow meter and economizer for inert gas;
Power and ground cables;
Possible wand of filler material;
Possible water cooling circuit for the flashlight.
Many of these components (economizer, flow meter, cooling water pump) are often contained within the generator frame and are operated by the welder or operator using controls on the front panel.
During the Tig welding course, you learn how to handle, operate, and maintain and clean all components.
Tig Welding Features
The inert gas arc welding process with an infusible tungsten electrode (called TIG, from the English name "TUNGSTEN INERT GAS") is a welding process whose heat necessary to melt the flaps and any filler material is produced by an electric arc that strikes between an electrode that does not wear out and the workpiece.
Considering the particular stability of the arc, the small size of the heat source, and the possibility of using without depositing filler material, the GTAW process is widely used for making high-quality joints on materials sensitive to heating imposed by welding (Cr-Mo steels for high-temperature use, stainless steels, nonferrous alloys), especially for making the first pass.
On the other hand, given the limited productivity (with the exception of some automatic versions), the process is rarely used to perform filling of thick joints. Our Tig welding course, is practical and theoretical at the same time.
All of our Metalworking Courses
Choose the course that best suits your business needs
Electrode Welder Course
Complete MMA SMAW 80h practice + 20h theory | 15 days
Basic Electrode Welder Course
MMA SMAW course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week
Continuous Wire Welding Course
Full Mig Mag 100h practice + 25h theory | 20 days
Basic continuous wire welder course
Mig Mag course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week
TIG Welder Course
Full GTAW 80h practice + 20h theory | 15 days
Basic TIG Welder Course
GTAW course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week
Electrode + Tig Welder Course
140h practice + 30h theory | 30 days
Electrode + Continuous Wire Welder Course
180h practice + 40h theory | 35 days
Tig + Wire Welder Course
180h practice + 40h theory | 35 days
Electrode + TIG + Continuous Wire Welder Course
240h practice + 60h theory | 45 days
(the most comprehensive course)
Carpenter Fitter Course
140h practice + 30h theory | 30 days
Industrial Tubist Course
140h practice + 30h theory
Mechanical technical drawing reading course
21-hour course
Our courses are held in intensive daytime mode, throughout the year,
Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day of practice/welding.
Our courses are held in intensive daytime mode, throughout the year, Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day of practice/welding.
Contact us
Fill out the form with your details and you will be contacted in a very short time by our School who will provide you with all the information you need.